Orbit started its journey as an animation company in 2004, founded by a group of visionaries. Initially, the company started in its nascent stages with a rather unconventional philosophy in the animation industry. Instead of focusing solely on entertainment, Orbit aimed to explore the applications of 3D animation in the fields of science and technology.
Over the years, Orbit's expertise in 3D animation found recognition and support from prestigious organizations such as the Indian Space Research Organization (ISRO), the Department of Science & Technology (under the Government of India), and the National Council of Science Museums.
Know MoreLife happened in the Serengeti on an unprecedented scale. It’s home to most of Africa’s most iconic animals, and hosts one of the world’s greatest natural events — the annual wildebeest migration. Nature has orchestrated a perfect symphony in which every species has a very distinct role to play in a larger story — the balance of an entire ecosystem.
The story centers around the motive of human travel to Mars, but the show presents and explains a much broader selection of science-related topics, such as the history of astronomy, geocentric and heliocentric models, Kepler laws of planetary motion, and orbital maneuvers.
The movie tells a thrilling story of the most remarkable space mission in human history. In 1977 two space probes were launched to explore the farthest planets of the Solar system: Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus and Neptune along with their moons.These spacecrafts greatly enriched our knowledge of the distant worlds.
Patna: Chief minister Nitish Kumar will inaugurate the renovated Indira Gandhi Science Complex Planetarium, popularly known as Taramandal, on Wednesday.
Rs. 81-crore project overseen by Principal Scientific Advisor to Government of India and managed by Indian Institute of Astrophysics, Bengaluru